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2025 GHPCO Annual Conference

Conference Poster 2025 #2

For group discounts, we’ve created the promo code 15off for 5-10 people, and 20off” for 10 or more people. It is case sensitive, so folks need to type in lowercase.

Hotel room block ends 1/22/25

Group Code: 4776 
For use if making reservations by phone.
 If you're staying more than one night, be sure to click on the dates for each night, as the link initially defaults to a single night when selected.

Tap the button to learn more!

SA Graphic

Don't forget the Silent Auction at the Conference!

  • Final Bids are due February 21st, at 11:45-11:50 AM.
  • Pick up for auction items will be on February 21st, at 1:00-1:15 PM.

If you are donating an item for the auction, please bring it to Donna Morgan at Masters Hall by no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.

Contact Info:

Apply for the Georgia Hospice & Palliative Care Organization's Anthony Leatherwood Memorial Scholarship today!

The mission of this scholarship is to further Anthony’s legacy and the passion that he had for hospice care. The scholarship recipient will be awarded full attendance at the following Georgia Hospice and Palliative Care Annual Conference, including the pre-conference sessions. In an effort to assist as many people as possible, the scholarship does not include lodging or meals; however, a discounted room rate is available through GHPCO on a first come first serve basis. Download the application below and check the accordion tab for detailed instructions on how to apply for this scholarship.

Anothony Leatherwood

Two Pre-Conference Tracks on February 19, 2025, will include:

Vital Talk is the premier training organization for clinicians seeking to advance their communication skills. Just as no one is born knowing how to handle a scalpel, the same is true for how to communicate effectively with seriously ill patients and their families.

This interactive VitalTalk pre-conference session offers a valuable chance for clinicians to strengthen their communication skills, which are essential when supporting patients and families through serious illness. By focusing on real-life scenarios and sensitive discussions, participants will be better prepared to foster trust and understanding in their care interactions.

Join presenters from Palmetto GBA as they bring GHPCO pre-conference attendees the latest 2025 Palmetto GBA Hospice Workshop program hot off the press!  GHPCO is proud to provide this opportunity for attendees to receive the MOST current Palmetto GBA updates during this interactive pre-conference session.

This pre-conference session with Palmetto GBA is a great opportunity for GHPCO attendees to gain firsthand insights into the latest 2025 hospice program updates. With this direct access, participants will be well-prepared to adapt to new policies, ask questions, and stay ahead in compliance and operational best practices. It should set a strong foundation for the main conference discussions.

Conference Agenda (At a Glance):

February 19th, 2025:


Day 1 Conference

February 20th, 2025:


Agend Day 2 Conference

February 21st, 2025:


Conference Day 3
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