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Veteran Resources

GHPCO Veteran Resource Guide:

State and Local Veterans Resources

Each state has its own department of veterans affairs and many counties have county veteran service officers to assist with both state and federal veterans benefits. Both of these state and county resources can be extraordinarily helpful.


The Georgia Department of Veteran Services  is a tremendous resource for Georgia veterans!

VA Resource Navigator

This document provides quick access to various resources and information for veterans. It includes QR codes, links to VA websites, and contact information for various VA services.

Services include:

  • Health Care, Disability, Housing Assistance, Careers & Employment, Pension, Family Member Benefits, Burial & Memorial Information.
  • The document also includes instructions on how to scan QR codes and tips for troubleshooting.

Veterans Administration Toll Free Phone Numbers

  • VA Benefits – 1-800-827-1000


  • Healthcare Benefits and Enrollment – 1-877-222-8387


  • Status of Headstones and Markers – 1-800-697-6947


  • Suicide Hotline – 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


  • Special Issues (Gulf War-Agent Orange-Ionizing Radiation etc) – 1-800-749-8387

Veteran Service Organizations

Veterans service organizations are non-government organizations that support veterans and promote their interests in communities and with local, state and federal governments.

There are dozens of VSOs, and some are chartered by the VA to provide benefits assistance. Many unite veterans who served in particular wars or come from a similar ethnic background or region. You can access the VA’s comprehensive directory of VSOs by visiting the website below.

GHPCO can help you find VSOs that may be able to assist you. While our list is not all-inclusive, we have listed on the following page several of the larger and more active organizations that will likely have a presence in your local community. You can go to their websites to find further contact information.

The following pages contain helpful contact information for a variety of veterans services. If you need assistance, GHPCO can help you find the appropriate web address or phone number, as well as help you fill out any necessary forms.

Do you have an issue with submitting a claim?

Contact your local state representative! Receive a response within 2 business days. Click the button below for a list of your local state representatives.


Please contact Larry Hetu-Robert, and he can help you get in touch with your local representative.

Learn about the GA State War Veterans Home (GWHV):

There are two locations in GA for State War Veterans Homes:

Living in a Georgia State War Veterans Home means that a veteran resides in a state-operated long-term care facility designed specifically for eligible military veterans.

These homes provide skilled nursing care, rehabilitation services, and support for veterans who need assistance with daily living due to age, disability, or medical conditions.

Eligibility is usually based on military service, medical need, and Georgia residency, and veterans may need to apply through the Georgia Department of Veterans Service (GDVS). Download the handout in the button below to learn more:


VA Benefits

Obtain DD-214

Military Separation Papers

  • National Archives Website-
  • Form SF-180 is required documentation for all other benefits

Replacing Lost Medals

  • Request medal replacement by using the eVetRecs online application –
  • For online SF-180 application-
  • For paper application use SF-180 and mail or fax.

Burial Information:

Veteran Community Partnership:

This page provides information to and about veterans of the United States armed services in search of resources related to care at the end of life.

This page was created by the Georgia Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Hospice Veteran Partnerships of Augusta, Greater Atlanta, Central Georgia and Savannah and is divided into distinct sections designed to help you in your search for information and support.


Section 1

Provides information to VETERANS and FAMILIES of VETERANS and includes information about VA Benefits, VA services, Hospice, Palliative Care and the We Honor Veterans Program.


Section 2

Provides information specific to the We Honor Veterans Program, a partnership between the VA and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.  GHPCO is an active partner in We Honor Veterans and supports the efforts of hospices statewide in developing programs and care delivery models which improve access to hospice and the quality of care provided to veterans and their families at the end of life.


Section 3

Provides resources to hospice providers specific to the care of patients who served in America’s military including special population needs, specific disease states and information about the Hospice Veteran Partnerships available in the various areas of the state.

State and Local Veterans Resources:

Each state has its own department of veterans affairs and many counties have county veteran service officers to assist with both state and federal veterans benefits. Both of these state and county resources can be extraordinarily helpful. The Georgia Department of Veterans Service is an agency of state government created for the purpose of advising, counseling, and assisting Georgia’s veterans and their families in receiving their rightful benefits under the vast and complex framework of veterans’ laws.

AboutFace-USA Veteran Ride Service Program:

About Face USA


GHPCO is excited to help introduce the AboutFace-USA® Veteran Ride Service Program, one of the newest initiatives dedicated to supporting our esteemed veterans and their families. This program offers free transportation services to ensure veterans can easily access vital healthcare appointments.

WHV/VCP Resources:

WHV Logo

Honoring Those Who Served: Empowering Care through the "We Honor Veterans Program"!

Learn about the We Honor Veterans program and how it supports veterans in hospice care.



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